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ELAN 7732  Classroom Discourse Analysis


Course Description

This course provide a working knowledge of discourse analysis (DA) and its application in classroom ethnographic and qualitative research. You will learn to “do” discourse analysis by engaging in collaborative and recursive analyses of videotaped and/or audio taped social interactions.

Course objectives


1. To develop the ability to analyze classroom interactions or “discourse” (e.g., “turns-at-talk” ;
“contextualization cues”) in terms of their power to support or impede students‟ language and literacy development;
2. To develop an understanding of how sociopolitical and institutional policies and practices can shape, and be shaped by, interactions that take place in classrooms
3. To critique different theories of discourse analysis and the implications of these theories for classroom practice;
4. To develop the ability to collaborate with colleagues in analyzing classroom interactions and 
making responsive pedagogical decisions.

Sample of Students' activity



ELAN 7603  Content-Based ESOL (P-12)


Course Description

Students learn instructional strategies in teaching English to speakers of other languages across content areas following TESOL national standards for teacher preparation. Topics include teaching methods and techniques, planning integrated instruction, meeting the appropriate content area and TESOL standards, assessment, and cultural issues in content-based instruction.

ELAN 7501 Educational Linguistics


Course Description

This course focuses on key developments in education language research in three distinct ways. We first explore the linguistic resourcefulness of literary discourse, with illustrations from poetry, prose and drama, as a valuable nexus to explore graphology, phonology, morphology and semantics. Second, based on a systemic functional linguistics perspective (SFL), we explore how language provides us with a pliable set of resources for use in different social and academic contexts. Based on this perspective, for example, we see how the patterned variations in vernacular English (e.g., AAVE and code switching) need to be validated in classroom discourse. Third, we explore how educational linguistics can assist in designing, implementing and reflecting on the literacy development of students in a variety of academicregisters and contexts

LLED 7601 Non-native Literacy (P-8)


Course Description​

This course Examines sociocultural and pedagogical issues concerning literacy in a non-native language in emergent and newly fluent readers and writers in the elementary to middle school years. Students apply linguistics to literacy theory and learn to contextualize literacy instruction and assessment to meet local community needs.

LLED 8030 Critical Discourse Analysis


Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) focuses its inquiry on questions of power, ideology and hegemony through a recursive exploration of multimodal, written and oral texts and their context (e.g., local, institutional and societal domains). This course provides participants with a working knowledge of CDA and its application to linguistic ethnography and qualitative research in education and related fields (e.g., sociology, communication and political economy). Specifically, the course begins by providing participants with a brief historical overview of the genesis of CDA and a dialogic exploration of what the terms ‘critical’ and ‘discourse’ mean for this particular course.  Secondly, the course provides participants with a working understanding of systemic functional linguistics as an analytic tool for CDA: how this approach can be used to highlight interconnections between social systems and social events. Thirdly, the course affords participants the opportunity to apply CDA to their own qualitative research.  Using a seminar format, participants will 1) discuss selected readings on CDA and linguistic ethnography analytic and theoretical constructs 2) engage in collaborative and recursive analyses of texts from ongoing research projects 3) select a CDA analytic approach that works best for them and write up a paper that situates a close textual analysis within a larger exploration of socio historical contextual factors. These activities will help participants develop a deeper understanding of how CDA can be used to construct systematic interpretations of institutional and micro level discourses in social research. 

LLED 7501  Immigration Theories and Policies

Course Description

This course explores the social and educational integration of immigrant students and their subsequent achievement; the impact of age upon entry, language loss and maintenance, accommodation and assimilation, straight-line and segmented assimilation theories, policy revisions, and the ways in which immigration differs for adults and youth.

Course Development

Educational Linguistics: The University of Georgia
The course uses literary discourse to explore graphology, phonology, morphology and semantics. Based on a systemic functional linguistics perspective (SFL), students analyze language as a pliable set of resources for use in social and academic contexts. In addition,
students explore how educational linguistics can be used in designing, implementing and reflecting on academic literacy development in K-20 contexts.

Content-based ESOL: The University of Georgia
This course supports researchers and teachers at UGA in exploring the language and content demands of subject areas such as Science, Literature and History. Through discussion, classroom observations, systemic functional linguistics analysis and case study interviews, students grapple with complex socio cultural theories and praxis related to language, learning and culture in content classrooms.


T: 123-456-7890
F: 123-456-7890



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