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Curriculum Vita




Rank: 2013-Present    Associate Professor, appointed August 2012

Proportion Time Assignments: 9 month, .75 FTE (50% teaching; 50% research)

Tenure Status: Tenured at this time

Graduate Faculty Status: Appointed to the Graduate Faculty, fall 2008

Service: Focus Area Coordinator (2013-Present)

Highest Degrees:

- Ed.D. Curriculum and Instruction, University of Massachusetts Amherst, MA. (2008)

- M.A. French Literature, New York University, New York (1992) 

Academic Positions​


- Assistant Professor, The University of Georgia, Athens   

  TESOL and World Languages Program Department of  

  Language and Literacy Education

- Faculty in Linguistics Program, the University of Georgia

- Affiliate Faculty in Interdisciplinary Qualitative Studies,  

  the University of Georgia, Department of Lifelong

  Education, Administration, and Policy


​2007-2008  ​

- Part-Time Lecturer, Language, Literacy and Culture    

  University of Massachusetts Amherst, MA


- Part-Time Lecturer, Education and Child Development
  Smith College, Northampton, MA


- Research Fellowships: The University of Massachusetts


- Federally Funded Grants

      • The ACCELA Alliance for English Learners with Drs. Jerri

         Willett and Meg Gebhard
      • Deborah Healey Grant for English Learners with Dr.      



Selected Professional Employment


Academic Director, Loyola Intensive English Program
Loyola University New Orleans, LA



ESL Faculty, Loyola Intensive English Program
Loyola University New Orleans, LA



Teaching Assistant in French
French Department, New York University, NY



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​Click to add a language


An askerisk  (*) identifies a publication that has gone through stringent editorial review. A double asterisk (**) identifies a publication that was invited.  .  



Harman, R. (Ed.), (forthcoming). Critical take(s) on systemic functional linguistics: Academic                       Literacy Development, Multilingualism and Social Equity. London: Springer 


Peeer Review Journals edited or co-edited


Allexsaht-snider, M., Buxton, C. & Harman, R. (2012) (Eds.). Challenging anti-

            immigration discourses in school and community contexts. International      

            Journal of Multicultural Education, 14(2).


Book Chapters​


Harman, R. (forthcoming).  Challenging Anti-Immigration Discourses with Culturally                                Sustaining Pedagogies. In R. Harman. (Ed.), Critical take(s) on systemic functional                           linguistics: Academic Literacy Development, Multilingualism and Social Equity. London:                   Springer


Harman, R., Johnson, L. & Chagoya, E. (2016) Bilingual Youth Voices in Middle School:                            Performance, Storytelling and Photography. In S. Greene, K. Burke & M. McKenna                      (Eds.), Community Reframing Public Spaces: Youth Voices, Literacies, and Civic                                   Engagement. London: Routledge


Harman, R. & McClure, G. (2014). All the school’s a stage: Critical performative pedagogy in                  urban teacher education. L. Bell & D. Desai (Eds.) Social Justice and the arts (REPRINT                  from Equity and Education). London: Routledge Press


**/*Harman, R. (2014). Talking the walk: Fostering dynamic interactions with elementary                       school Latina/o English Learners. In P. Portes, S. Salas & P. Mellom (Eds.), U.S. Latinos                 and education policy:   Research-based directions for change. New York: Taylor and                       Francis.


**/*Harman, R., & Simmons, A. (2014). Critical systemic functional

               linguistics and literary narratives in subject English: Promoting

               language awareness and social action among K-12 students.  L.C. De

               Oliveira & J.G. Iddings (Eds). Genre studies and language in education.

               Equinox Publishing.


*Harman, R., Varga, K., Bivins, K. & Forker, D. (2013). Critical

              performative literacy in an ESL middle school classroom: Latina girls

              speak out for undocumented workers. In S. Chapell and C. Faltis (Eds.),

              The Arts and English Language Learners: Building Culturally

              Responsive, Critical and Creative Programs in School and Community

              Contexts. New York: Routledge.


**/*Harman, R. (2013). Qualitative literacy research. The Encyclopedia of

              Applied Linguistics, pp. 4768-4773. C. Chapelle (Ed.). Oxford, U.K: Wiley-



**Harman, R. & Harklau, L. (2012). Ethnographic research. Routledge Encyclopedia of

              Applied Linguistics, pp. 215-221.  P. Robinson (Ed.). New York: Taylor Francis.

Harman, R. (2008). Teaching with tenderness and compassion. In S. Nieto (Ed.), Dear Paulo:

               Letters from those who dare teach, pp. 133-135. New York: Paradigm.


**Willett, J., Harman, R., Lozano, M.E., Hogan, A., & Rubeck, J. (2007). Generative routines:

              Using the everyday to create dynamic learning communities for English language

               learners. In L. Verplaetse and N. Migliacci (Eds.), Inclusive pedagogy for English

               Language Learners: Research informed practices, pp. 33-53. Mahwah: NJ: Lawrence

               Erlbaum Assoc.


*Harman, R. & French, K. (2004). Critical performative pedagogy: A feasible praxis in  
              teacher education?  In J. O’Donnell, M. Pruyn and R. Chavez Chavez (Eds.), 
              Social justice in these times, pp. 97-116. Greenwich, CT: New Information

Peer Reviewed Journals


Harman, R. & Khote, N. (forthcoming). Critical SFL Praxis with Immigrant Youth: Multilingual                 Meaning Making Practices. Critical Inquiry in Language Studies.


Harman, R., Ahn, S., & Bogue, B. (2016). Reflective Language Teacher Education: Fostering                     Discourse Awareness through a Critical Performance Process. Teacher and Teaching                   Education, 59,228-238.


Harman, R. & Zhang, X. (2015)  Performance, performativity and second language identities.                 Linguistics and Education, 32(A), 68-81. DOI::10.1016/j.linged.2015.03.008


Harman, R. & Smagorinsky, P. (2014). A Critical Performative Process: Supporting the Second              Language Literacies and Voices of Emergent Bilingual Learners

             Youth Theater Journal 28:2, 147-164, DOI: 10.1080/08929092.2014.956956


Allexsaht-Snider, M., Buxton, C., & Harman, R. (2014) Research and praxis on challenging

               anti immigration discourses in school and community contexts. Norteamerica, Year                  8, 191-217


**/*Harman, R. (2013). Intertextuality in genre-register pedagogies: Building the

               field in L2 fifth grade literary writing.  Journal of Second Language Writing, 22(2),                        125-140. ï»¿


*Harman, R. & Dobai-Varga, K. (2012). Critical performative pedagogy: Emergent bilingual

               learners challenge local immigration issues.  International Journal of Multicultural

               Education,14(2), 1-17 .


Allexsaht-Snider, M., Buxton, C., & Harman, R. (2012) Challenging anti-immigration

             discourses in school and community contexts. International Journal of Multicultural                  Education, 14(2).


** Harman, R. (2011). A multilayered approach to teaching writing: the agentive response                  of a bilingual learner in an urban school classroom. Soonchunhyang Journal of the

              Humanities, 30(1), 297-337.   

*Harman, R., & McClure, G. (2011).  All the school’s a stage: Critical performative pedagogy

             in urban teacher education. Special edition (L. Bell & D. Desai, Eds.) Equity &

             Excellence in Education. 44(3), 379–402


*Harman, R., with French, K. (2011). Critical performative pedagogy and urban teacher  

             education: Voices from the field?  Play and Culture Series, volume 11, pp. 84-104.

             Annual Journal from The Association of the Study of Play.


**/*Gebhard, M. & Harman, R. (2011). Reconsidering genre theory in K-12 schools: A

               response to school reform in the United States. Special Edition of Journal of Second

               Language Writing, 20(1), 45-55.


*Gebhard, M., Harman, R. & Seger, W.  (2007). Unpacking academic literacy for ELLs in the

               context of high-stakes school reform: The potential of systemic functional              

               linguistics. Language Arts 84(5), 419-430.


*Harman, R. (2007). Critical teacher education: Discursive dance of an urban middle
               school teacher. Language and Education 21(1), 31-45.


*Yang, Q., Ramirez, J. & Harman, R. (2007). EFL Chinese students and high stakes expository

               writing: A Theme analysis.  Colombian Applied Linguistics Journal, 9, 99- 125.


Book Reviews


Siffrin, N. & Harman, R (2014).  [Review of the book: Podseva, R. J. & Sharma, D. (Eds.) (2013). Research methods in linguistics. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.

Simmons, A. & Harman, R. (2012).  [Review of the book: Knowing and writing school history:

         The language of students’ expository writing and teachers’ expectations]. Pedagogies:

          International Issues


Harman, R. (2011). [Review of the book: Reading in secondary content areas: A language-

           based pedagogy]. Pedagogies: International Issues, 6(1).

**Harman, R. (2009). [Review of the book: The discourse of politics in action: Politics as

           usual]. Language Policy, DOI 10.1007/s10993-009-9143-x


Broussard, M. & Harman, R. (2002).  [Review of the book: Broadening the horizons of                        foreign language education]. NECTFL, 50, 47-49. (50% contribution)


**Harman, R. (1999).  [Review of the book : Roddy Doyle's Paddy Ha Ha]. Ex libris, 25/6.


Online publications


*Allexsaht-Snider, M., Buxton, C., & Harman, R. (2014) Reflections on our work since editing              the special issue Challenging anti-immigration discourses in school and community                 contexts. International Journal of Multicultural Education Blog, http://ijme-                        


**Harman, R. (2011). Working with discourse: Syllabus. Online:                                                         


** Harman, R. M. (2009). Systemic functional linguistics and the teaching of literature.

            Online: Mick O' Donnell (Ed.), International Systemic Functional Linguistics


Creative Contributions other than Formal Publications


Harman, R. (2010). Howth chants. Mandala Journal, issue 8.





2014-2015       Principal Investigator. Awarded Striving Readers Grant for work at Coile Middle School. Genre-Based Literacy Professional Development and Research, $16, 500

2013-2014       Principal Investigator. Awarded Striving Readers Grant for work at Coile middle School.  Genre-Based Literacy Professional Development and Research, $16, 500

2014                Principal Investigator, Supporting Youth Voices at Coile Middle School through the Arts. Athfest Educates! $750

2012                 Principal Investigator, Performance and Discourse Analysis, Willson Center for Arts and Humanities Grant, University of Georgia, $4,700.

2012                College of Education Dean’s Office Research Support, Assistance to support editing and publishing of special issue of the International Journal of Multicultural Education, The University of Georgia,  $5,750.

2012                College of Education Summer Research, $5,000

2011                Multimodal Discourse Analysis. Technology Grant, Center for Teaching and Learning, The University of Georgia, $13, 904.

2009                Using functional language instruction to support bilingual students in middle school sheltered instruction classrooms. College of Education Early Career Grant, $6,000

2008                Principal Investigator, Collaboration among ESOL and Content-Area Teachers, Spencer Foundation (not funded)


Unfunded Proposals:

2016                UGA OVPR Global Research Collaboration Grant Program, “Bridging the Waters: Transatlantic Research on Youth Civic and Artistic Engagement.”

2015                Submitted initial proposal to Zeist Foundation to support development of Youth Participatory Action Research Collaborative at UGA

2015                Principal Investigator. Submitted to Spencer Foundation: New Latino Diaspora Youth Perspectives on Significant Learning: Enacting Participatory Organizational Learning

2015                Co Principal Investigator with Dr. Nogueron Liu.  Submitted Voto Latino grant for Development of Digital App to Support Latin@ Communities. Nominated as Semifinalists. 


2013    Keith Osborn Award for Teaching Excellence, $1,000


​2012   Sarah Moss Fellowship, University of Georgia, $8, 900


2012   UGA President’s Venture Travel Award, $1,200


2009   Emerging Scholar Award, AERA SIG Division, Language and Social Process
Special Interest Group, American Education Research Association, $500


2007   Department Dissertation Award, University of Massachusetts Amherst


2003-2007  Graduate Student Travel Awards, University of Massachusetts Amherst


2003-2007  Research Fellowships in ACCELA (Access to Critical Content and English Language Acquisition), University of Massachusetts Amherst


2000-2001  Scholarships to Faulkner Literary Festival for creative fiction writing







Second Language Literacy; Systemic Functional Linguistics; Critical Performative Pedagogy; Critical Discourse Analysis; Participatory Action Research with English Learners and ESOL Teachers


Honors and Achievements

Primary Res-

​earch Area

Editorial Responsibi-


2015-Present Editorial Board, IJME


2014-Present Editorial Board, Journal of Second Language Writing


2016   Linguistics and Education


2015  Editorial Reviewer, Excellence and Equity


2015  Editorial Reviewer, Leisure Sciences


2014  Editorial Reviewer, TESOL Quarterly


2014  Editorial Reviewer, Journal of Second Language Writing


2014  Editorial Reviewer, Multicultural Perspectives


2014  Editorial Reviewer, International Journal of Research and Method in Education


2014  Editorial Reviewer, Curriculum Inquiry      


2013 Editorial Reviewer,  Journal of Immersion and Content-Based Language Education


2013 Editorial Reviewer, Journal of Second Language Writing


2012 Editorial Reviewer, Journal of Second Language Writing


2012 Editorial Reviewer, International Journal of Multicultural Education


​2011-2012 Guest Editor, Special Issue on Immigration,

International Journal of Multicultural Education


2011 Editorial Reviewer, International Journal of Applied Linguistics


2010-2012 Editorial Reviewer, Research of Teaching of English


2010-2012 Editorial Reviewer, Anthropology of Education


2010 Editorial Reviewer, English Teaching: Practice & Critique

2009 Editorial Reviewer, 
L1-Language and Literature

​Peer Reviewer for Convention Proposals


2013-2016  Proposal Reviewer, American Applied Linguistics
2010-2013 Editorial Reviewer, AERA Language and Social Processes SIG
2012-2013 Proposal Reviewer, American Applied Linguistics

2009-2010 Editorial Reviewer, AERA Second Language SIG Awards

(* published counterpart ** invited address)  


Invited Lectures and Workshops


Harman, R. (March 2016). Culturally Sustaining SFL framework with Adolescent Bilingual Learners.                Paper to be presented, Critical Discourse Analysis Network, Dublin Institute of Technology,                Dublin, Ireland


Harman, R. (January 2016). Strategies and Dynamic Assessment through Genre-based pedagogies.                Commerce Middle School (invited by Principal Bill Ruma)


Harman, R. (November, 2015). Supporting Disciplinary Knowledge Development of Bilingual                           Learners. Pennsylvania State University (online lecture with Dr. Maria Haneda’s Class)

** Harman, R. (March, 2014). Systemic Functional Linguistics and Performance Analysis, Dublin                     Institute of Technology (DIT) 


**Harman, R. (December, 2013). Performance, Performativity and Second Language Identities.                     Invited speaker at the Literacy Research Association Conference, Dallas 


**Harman, R. (2013). Performance and Systemic Functional Linguistics as Resources to

             Foster Genre Awareness. Invited plenary workshop at the Korean Association of              

             Primary English Educations (KAPEE), Seoul, South Korea.


**Harman, R. (2013).  Educators’ Perceptions of Immigration Policies and Practices in

            Georgia. Invited panel speaker at Athens Literacy Council, Athens, GA.


**Harman, R. (2011, December). Critical Discourse Analysis as Tool to Research and

            Challenge Social Inequity.  Invited symposium speaker at Dublin Institute of

            Technology, Dublin, Ireland.


**Harman, R. (2010, December).  Se hace el camino al andar: Qualitative research as tool to

           challenge social inequity in K-12 classrooms. Key note address presented at Student

           Qualitative Research Conference, University of Georgia, GA.


** Espino, M., & Harman, R. (2009, October). Critical discourse analysis and critical race theory.               Paper presented at Diversity Series, University of Georgia, GA. 

Organized Colloquia (Chaired and Organized)


Harman, R. (2016). Critical take(s) on Systemic Functional Linguistics: Academic Literacies,                            Multilingual learners and Social Equity. Panel presented and chaired at American Applied              Linguistics Conference, Orlando. 


Harman, R. (2013) Fostering Critical Literacy through Systemic Functional Linguistics in K-12

          contexts. Panel presented and chaired at American Applied Linguistics Conference,



** Allexsaht-snider, M. & Harman, R. (2011, April). Challenging anti immigration discourse

          and education policies in the southeast: Collaboration among teachers, students,

          families, and university educators. Panel presented and chaired at Division G,

          American Education Research Association, New Orleans, LA.


Maxim, H. & Harman, R. (2011, June). Students’ textual practices as a multifaceted weaving

         of semiotic systems. International Colloquium presented and chaired at International

         Systemic Functional Linguistics Panel, Lisbon, Portugal. International Papers


Harman, R. (2011, July). Intermodality in genre-register based pedagogies: Building text and    

         image relations in fifth-grade L2 literary composition. Paper presented at International      

         Systemic Functional Linguistics Conference, Lisbon, Portugal.


*Harman, R. (2010, July). Explicit intertextuality in teaching literary writing: Case study of two

          bilingual students. Paper presented at International Systemic Functional Linguistics

          Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.



Harman, R. (2016). Narrative as a Collaborative Space: Validating Student Voices in YPAR. Paper to             be presented at AAAL, Orlando.


Siffrin, N., Harman, R., & Lee, J. (2016). Genre-based strategies and assessment for disciplinary                  instruction: how do middle school teachers respond? Paper to be presented at AAAL,                        Orlando.


Harman, R. & Khote, N. (2015). Critical Systemic Functional Linguistics and Third Space for Latino               adolescents. Paper presented at AAAL, Toronto, Canada


Harman, R., Ahn, S., & Bogue, B. (2015). Reflexive Bilingual Education: Performance and Discourse              Analysis. Paper presented at International Symposium on Bilingualism, Rutgers, New                    Jersey


Harman, R.  (2014). Developing discourse awareness through performance. Paper presented at                    AERA Conference, Philadelphia.


Harman, R. & Zhang, X.  (2014) Performance, Performativity and Second Language Identities.                      Paper presented at AAAL Conference, Portland  


Harman, R. , Evans-Newsome, M., & Varga-Dobai, K.  (2013). Using performance to workshop                     immigration issues. Workshop presented at JOLLE Activist Literacies Conference,                            University of Georgia


Harman, R. (2013). The classroom’s a stage: Performance as resource to foster critical                                     discourse awareness. Paper presented at AAAL, Dallas


Alvermann, D., Bass, T., Harman, R., Johnson, L., & Sheldon, S. (2012). Critical discourse                               analysis as lens to explore literacy constructs. Paper presented at Literacy Research                         Association, San Diego. 


Harman, R., Johnson, L., & Sharma, A. (2012) Critical Discourse analysis as a research tool to

              challenge social inequity in and out of K-12 classrooms. Workshop to be presented at

              Dialogical Self Conference, University of Georgia.


Harman, R. , Evans-Newsome, M., & Varga-Dobai, K.  (2013). Using performance to workshop

              immigration issues. Workshop presented at JOLLE Activist Literacies Conference,

              University of Georgia


Harman, R. (2013). The classroom’s a stage: Performance as resource to foster critical

               discourse awareness. Paper presented at AAAL, Dallas


Alvermann, D., Bass, T., Harman, R., Johnson, L., & Sheldon, S. (2012). Critical discourse

               analysis as lens to explore literacy constructs. Paper presented at Literacy Research

               Association, San Diego.


Harman, R. (2012). Performance and the carnavalesque in urban teacher education. Paper

                presented at the Mini Dialogic Pedagogy Conference, Newark, DE.


**/*Harman, R., Dobai-Varga, K., & Bivins, K. (2011, April). Critical participatory practices in a

                middle school ESOL classroom. Paper presented at Division G, American Education

                Research Association, New Orleans, LA.


*Harman, R. & French, K. (2011, April). Critical performative pedagogy in urban
                teacher education: a heteroglossia of voices? 
Paper presented at Cultural Historical S

                IG, American Education Research Association, New Orleans, LA.


Shin, D. & Harman, R. (2011, April). Pedagogies of multiliteracies in urban elementary school

               ESOL classrooms. Paper presented at Division K, American Education Research

               Association, New Orleans, LA.


*Harman, R. (2010, April). Language of literature and upper elementary writing: Language

               minority students as agentive text makers. Paper presented at American Education

               Research Association Language and Social Processes SIG, Denver, CO.


*Harman, R. (2010, April). Critical performative pedagogy in teacher education. Paper

                presented on panel, American Education Research Association, Division G, Denver,                       CO.


*Harman, R. (2010, March). Performance and dialogicality in teacher education? Paper

               presented at American Applied Linguistics Conference, Atlanta, GA.


Harman, R. & Shin, D. (2009, November). Multimodal to multimedia community-based                                  literacies with English Language Learners. Paper presented at National Council of                              Teachers of English Conference, Philadelphia, PA. 


*Harman, R., Alvarez, M. & Rutherford, D. (2009, October). Talking the walk: Discourse analysis                 and culturally responsive classrooms, First Triennial Conference of Latino Education in                 the South, University of Georgia, GA.


Harman, R. (2009, April). Teacher attitudes and beliefs about professional development,                                     teacher knowledge, and practice. Discussant for Panel, Division K, American Education                   Research Association, San Diego, CA.


*Harman, R. (2008, October). Language-Based instruction in literature: case study of a                                       struggling 5th grade writer. XV Annual Gathering for Sociocultural Theory and Second                     Language Working Group, Amherst, MA.


Harman, R. (2008, May). Embodying critical multiculturalism in teacher education. Paper                                 presented on panel, Pedagogy and Theater of the Oppressed Conference, Omaha,                       NE.


*Harman, R. & French, K. (2007, November). Critical performative pedagogy and multicultural                      education.  Paper presented at National Association of Multicultural Education,                              Baltimore, MD.


**Gebhard, M., Habana-Hafner, A., Harman R., Shin, D. & Willett, J (2007, May).

               Critical literacy, systemic functional linguistics, and school reform. 4th Teachers of a New                  Era English Language Development Conference, Boston College, Boston, MA.


*Gebhard, M., Harman, R., & Seger, W. (2007, April). Improving academic literacy instruction                         for linguistically diverse students: The potential of systemic functional linguistics. Paper                       presented at Division K, American Education Research Association, Chicago, IL. 


**Gebhard, M., Habana-Hafner, A., Harman R., Shin, D. & Cummins, J. (2007, March).  Critical                     literacy, genre theory, and school reform.  Panel of papers presented at Annual meeting                of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, Seattle, WA.




Harman, R & Hogan, A. (2006). Genre-based pedagogy and literary riffing. Paper

              presented at National Council of Teachers, Nashville, TN.


*Gebhard, M., Harman, R. & Seger, W. (2005). Dialogic literacy practices and teacher                                    education: Making spaces for students’ and teachers’ voices in the context of high-stakes                       testing. Paper presented at the annual meeting of Teachers of Speakers of Other                           Languages, San Antonio, TX.


Habana Hafner, D., Harman, R. , Lozano, M. & Ramirez, A. (2005). Boundary spanners in                              collaborative school university partnerships. Paper presented at National Ethnographic                   and Qualitative Research in Education Conference (EQRE),

                niversity of Pennsylvania, PA.


*Harman, R. (2004).  A polyglossia of discourses in a teacher’s self representation.

                 Paper presented at annual meeting of American Applied Linguistics Conference,

                 Portland, OR.


*Harman, R. (2004).  A dialogic dance in an ELA middle school classroom. Paper

                 presented at EQRE Conference, Albany, NY.


*Harman, R. & French, K. (2003). Critical performative pedagogy.  Paper presented at National

                 Multicultural Education Conference (NAME), Seattle, WA.


Harman, R & French, K. (2003).  Investigating Rosa Parks and segregation. Paper

                  presented at Connecticut National Multicultural Education Conference, Hartford, CT.



*Varga, K., Harman, R., Bivins, K. & Coile Middle School Girls. (2010). Critical performative

          literacy in an ESL middle school classroom: Latina girls speak out for undocumented                           workers. Paper presented at Women & Girls Conference, UGA, Athens, GA.

Convention Papers




Professional Service

2016 Promotion and Tenure Review, Dr. Foram Bhukhanwala, Arcadia University, PA

2015 Promotion and Tenure Review, Dr. Warren Liew, National Institute of Education, Singapore

2015 Promotion and Tenure Review, Dr. Mahalingappa, Duquesne University, PA

2015-2017 President, North American Systemic Functional Linguistics Association

2015 Committee Member, Emergent Scholar Award, North American Systemic Functional Linguistics Association

2012-2014 Secretary, North American Systemic Functional Linguistics Association

2010-2014 Appointed Member, Emerging Scholar Award Committee, Language and Social Processes SIG, American Education Research Association.




University Service

2016-2017        University Council

2014- Present  Advisor, Undocumented Student Alliance

2013-2014         Linguistics Program Advisory Committee

2010-2012         Member, University Council



College Service

2015-Present  Member, Diversity Mentoring Committee (headed by Denise Spangler)

2015-Present  Member, Diversity College Committee

2012-2014        Member, College of Education Scholarship Committee

2008-2012        Member, Graduate Qualitative Research Conference Committee

2011                  Member, Fulbright Evaluation Committee

2009                  Judge,  Graduate Qualitative Research Conference Committee                      

2009-2010        Member, University Search Committee for English Program Director



Department Service

2014-2016       Member, Department Awards Committee

2014 – 2016    Member, TESOL and World Languages (TWLE) Lecturer Search Committee

2014                 Member, Annual Review Faculty Committee

2013-                Program Chair, TESOL and World Languages Education (TWLE)

2013                 Member, English Education Lecturer Search Committee

2010-2011       Member, TESOL and World Languages (TWLE) Lecturer Search Committee  

2009-2010       Member, TWLE Lecturer Search Committee 

2008-present Member, Graduate Student TWLE Admissions Committee

2008-present Reviewer, TWLE M.Ed. Comprehensive Exam Reviewer



School Districts/Public Service

2015-2016      Genre-Based Pedagogies in Content Areas, Commerce Middle School, Commerce GA (Emergent partnership with school)

2012-Present    Professor on site (Teaches spring course at Coile Middle School) 

2008-2016    ESOL Teacher Mentoring, Coile Middle School, Athens-Clarke, GA. Supported literacy instruction of English Learners  



Current Professional Organization Membership

2011-2014         American Anthropology Association

2008-present   American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL)

2008-present   American  Education Research Association (AERA)

2009-2014         Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) 



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